In the following you'll find short code snippets for common tasks.
exitLong(0,NewStop); exitLong(0,-NewTakeProfit);
if(NumOpenTotal > 0) for(open_trades) if(TradeIsPending) exitTrade(ThisTrade);
for(open_trades) if(TradeIsOpen && !TradeIsPool && TradeProfit > 0) { TradeTrailLock = 0.80; // 80% profit (minus trade costs) if(TradeIsShort) TradeTrailLimit = max(TradeTrailLimit,TradePriceClose); else TradeTrailLimit = min(TradeTrailLimit,TradePriceClose); }
for(OrderDelay = 0; OrderDelay < 10*30; OrderDelay += 30) enterLong(Lots/10);
var valOpen()
{ var val = 0;
if(strstr(Asset,PrevAsset) && TradeIsOpen)
val += TradeProfit;
return val;
... TRADE* MyTrade = enterlong(); ...
ThisTrade = MyTrade; // connect trade variables to MyTrade var MyResult = TradeProfit; // evaluate trade variables ... exitTrade(MyTrade,0,TradeLots/2); // exit half the trade
// generate a snythetic asset "USD" combined from the USD value of EUR, GBP, and AUD var priceUSD() { var p = 0; asset("GBP/USD"); p += price(); asset("AUD/USD"); p += price(); asset("EUR/USD"); p += price(); return p; } // basket trade function with stop limit int tradeUSD(var StopUSD) { if((TradeIsLong && priceUSD() <= StopUSD) or (TradeIsShort && priceUSD() >= StopUSD)) return 1; // exit the trade else return 0; // continue the trade } // open a trade with the synthetic asset and a stop loss void enterLongUSD(var StopDistUSD) { var StopUSD = priceUSD()-StopDistUSD; asset("GBP/USD"); enterLong(tradeUSD,StopUSD); asset("AUD/USD"); enterLong(tradeUSD,StopUSD); asset("EUR/USD"); enterLong(tradeUSD,StopUSD); } void enterShortUSD(var StopDistUSD) { var StopUSD = priceUSD()+StopDistUSD; asset("GBP/USD"); enterShort(tradeUSD,StopUSD); asset("AUD/USD"); enterShort(tradeUSD,StopUSD); asset("EUR/USD"); enterShort(tradeUSD,StopUSD); } // plot a price curve of the synthetic asset // (the plot command is linked to the last used asset - // so "EUR/USD" must be selected in the scrollbox) function run() { set(PLOTNOW); plot("USD",priceUSD(),0,RED); }
//extended ATR function with individual asset and timeframe (in minutes) var extATR(string symbol,int period,int length,int shift)
{ ASSET* previous = g->asset; // store previous asset if(symbol) asset(symbol); // set new asset if(period) TimeFrame = period/BarPeriod; // create price series with the new asset / timeframe
vars H = series(priceHigh()),
L = series(priceLow()),
O = series(priceOpen()), C = series(priceClose()); TimeFrame = 1; // set timeframe back g->asset = previous; // set asset back
return ATR(O+shift,H+shift,L+shift,C+shift,length); }
// use 1-hour bars, wait until Sunday Sunday 5pm ET,
// then get the price change from Friday 5pm ET if(dow() == SUNDAY && lhour(ET) == 5) {
int FridayBar = timeOffset(ET,SUNDAY-FRIDAY,5,0);
var PriceChange = priceClose(0) - priceClose(FridayBar); ...
// buy if Signal1 crossed over Signal2 within the last 7 bars
vars crosses = series(0); // generate a series and set it to 0
crosses[0] = 1; // store the crossover in the series
if(Sum(crosses,7) > 0) // any crossover within last 7 bars?
// buy if Signal1 crossed over Signal2 within the last 7 bars ... int i; for(i=0; i<7; i++) if(crossOver(Signal1+i,Signal2+i)) { // crossover, i bars ago? enterLong(); break; // abort the loop } ...
// Return a timeframe aligned to Event == true // f.i. TimeFrame = frameAlign(hour() == 0); aligns to midnight int frameAlign(BOOL Event) { vars Nums = series(0,-1); // 1-element static series for storing the bar counter if(!Event) { Nums[0]++; // count skipped bars return 0; // continue the frame } else { int Skipped = -Nums[0]; // start a new time frame Nums[0] = 0; // reset the counter return Skipped; } }
// the future is unknown, therefore fill // all unknown elements with the current value vars seriesShift(vars Data,int shift) { if(shift >= 0) // shift series into the past return Data+shift; else { // shift series into the future int i; for(i = 1; i <= shift; i++) Data[i] = Data[0]; return Data; } }
// Use the function "foo" from the DLL "bar.dll" // Copy bar.dll into the Zorro folder int foo(double v1,double v2); // foo prototype API(foo,bar) // use foo from bar.dll function run() { ... int result = foo(1,2); ... }
// Click [Trade] with the script below
function run()
{ asset("EUR/USD");
if(Bar > 0) {
if(LotAmount > 99999) printf("\nI have a standard lot account!");
else if(LotAmount > 9999) printf("\nI have a mini lot account!");
else printf("\nI have a micro lot account!");
// Click [Trade] for downloading/updating the latest "NZD/USD" price data function main() { NumYears = 6; // download up to 6 years data assetHistory("NZD/USD",1); // update the price history }
// Click [Test] for exporting price data to a .csv file in the Data folder
// The records are stored in the format: time, open, high, low, close // f.i. "31/12/12 00:00, 1.32205, 1.32341, 1.32157, 1.32278" // Dependent on the locale, date and numbers might require a different format function run() { BarPeriod = 1440; StartDate = 2010; EndDate = 2020; LookBack = 0; string Row = strf( "%02i/%02i/%02i %02i:%02i,%.5f,%.5f,%.5f,%.5f\n", day(),month(),year()%100,hour(),minute(), priceO(),priceH(),priceL(),priceC()); if(is(INITRUN)) file_delete("Data\\export.csv"); else file_append("Data\\export.csv",Row); }
// MQL4 EA script. Run it in the Tester. // The CSV file is stored in Terminals\Commom\Files. int Handle; int CurrentTime; // detect new bar for emulating run() int isNewBar() { if(CurrentTime != Time[0]){ CurrentTime= Time[0]; return(1); } return(0); } void OnInit() { string Name = StringConcatenate("MT4_",Symbol(),".csv"); Handle = FileOpen( Name,FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE|FILE_COMMON, ','); if(Handle == INVALID_HANDLE) Print("Can't open ",Name,"!"); CurrentTime = Time[0]; } void OnTick() { if(isNewBar() && Handle != INVALID_HANDLE) { FileWrite(Handle, TimeToStr(Time[1],TIME_DATE), iOpen(Symbol(),Period(),1), iHigh(Symbol(),Period(),1), iLow(Symbol(),Period(),1), iClose(Symbol(),Period(),1)); } } void OnDeinit() { FileClose(Handle); }
void printTradeID()
string ls = "L", bo = "[", bc = "]";
if(TradeIsShort) ls = "S";
if(TradeIsPhantom) { bo = "{"; bc = "}"; }
printf("#\n%s%s:%s:%s%04i%s ",
char name[40]; // string of maximal 39 characters
var equity = EquityShort+EquityLong;
if(equity != 0) plot(name,equity,NEW|AVG,BLUE);
function run() { static var Parameter1 = 0, Parameter2 = 0; if(is(INITRUN)) { // read the parameters only in the first run string setup = file_content("Strategy\\mysetup.ini"); Parameter1 = strvar(setup,"Parameter1"); Parameter2 = strvar(setup,"Parameter2"); } } // mysetup.ini is a plain text file that contains // the parameter values in a format like this: Parameter1 = 123 Parameter2 = 456
var Parameter1 = 0, Parameter2 = 0; function tock() // run once per minute { static int LastDate = 0; if(LastDate && !Trade) return; // already updated int NewDate = file_date("Strategy\\mysetup.ini"); if(LastDate < NewDate) { LastDate = NewDate; // file was modified: update new parameters string setup = file_content("Strategy\\mysetup.ini"); Parameter1 = strvar(setup,"Parameter1"); Parameter2 = strvar(setup,"Parameter2"); } }
function run() { Stop = 10*ATR(100); TakeProfit = Stop/10; // open new trade at random after last trade hit its target if(NumOpenTotal == 0) { if(random() < 0) enterShort(); else enterLong(); } }
function run() { BarPeriod = 1440; // set up equal stop and profit limits Stop = TakeProfit = ATR(100); // double the stake after every loss Lots = pow(2,LossStreakTotal); // winning guaranteed... // open new trade at random after last trade hit its target if(NumOpenTotal == 0) { if(random() < 0) enterShort(); else enterLong(); } }
// helper function for finding trades at a grid line bool findTrade(var Price,var Grid,bool IsShort) { for(open_trades) if((TradeIsShort == IsShort) and between(TradeEntryLimit,Price-Grid/2,Price+Grid/2)) return true; return false; } function run() { BarPeriod = 1440; Hedge = 2; EntryTime = ExitTime = 500; var Price; var Grid = 100*PIP; // grid spacing var Current = priceClose(); // place pending trades at 5 grid lines // above and below the current price for(Price = 0; Price < Current+5*Grid; Price += Grid) { if(Price < Current-5*Grid) continue; if(Price < Current and !findTrade(Price,Grid,true)) enterShort(0,Price,0,Grid); else if(Price > Current and !findTrade(Price,Grid,false)) enterLong(0,Price,0,Grid); } }
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