Vector and matrix functions

The following functions can be used for vector and 2-dimensional matrix algebra.

matrix(int rows, int cols): mat

Creates a vector or a matrix with the given number of rows and columns. The matrix is initialized to zeros. If cols is omitted, an identity matrix with 1s in the diagonal is created.


rows - number of rows of the matrix, or 1 for defining a row vector.
cols - number of columns, or 1 for defining a column vector. Omit this for a square identity matrix.

me(mat X, int row, int col): var

Macro for accessing an element of the matrix X at a given row and column, with no range check.

ve(mat V, int n): var

Macro for accessing the n-th element of the row or column vector V, with no range check.


X, V - matrix to be accessed.
row - row number of the element, starting with 0.
col - column number of the element, starting with 0.

matSet(mat X, mat A): mat

Copies matrix A to matrix X, and returns X. A and X must have the same number of rows and columns.


X - destination matrix or vector
A - source matrix or vector

matSet(mat X, int row, int col, mat A): mat

Copies matrix A to a sub-range of matrix X that starts at the given row and colunm, and returns X. A and X can have different numbers of rows and columns.


X - destination matrix
A - source matrix
row - row number of the block, starting with 0.
col - column number of the block.

matSet(mat X, var c): mat

Sets all elements of matrix X to the value c, and returns X.


X - destination matrix.
c - value to be set.

matTrans(mat X, mat A): mat

Copies the transpose of A to X, and returns X. The number of columns of X must be identical to the number of rows of A, and vice versa.


X - destination matrix.
A - source matrix.

matAdd(mat X, mat A, mat B): mat

Adds A and B, stores the result in X, and returns X. A, B, and X must have the same number of rows and columns.


X - destination matrix.
A,B - source matrices.

matSub(mat X, mat A, mat B): mat

Subtracts B from A, stores the result in X, and returns X. A, B, and X must have the same number of rows and columns.


X - destination matrix.
A,B - source matrices.

matMul(mat X, mat A, mat B): mat

Multiplies A with B, stores the result in X, and returns X. X and A must have the same number of rows, X and B must have the same number of columns, and the B number of rows must be identical to the A number of columns.


X - destination matrix.
A,B - source matrices.

matScale(mat X, var c): mat

Multiplies all elements of X with c, and returns X.


X - destination matrix.
c - multiplication factor.

matSaveCSV(mat X, string FileName)

Saves the matrix X to a CSV file for further evaluation with Excel or other programs.


X - source matrix.
FileName - CSV file name. 



void matPrintf(mat X)
  int i,j;
  for(i=0; i < X->rows; i++) {
    for(j=0; j < X->cols; j++)
      printf("%.0f ",me(X,i,j));

void main()
  int i,j;
  mat A = matrix(3,4);
  for(i=0; i < A->rows; i++)
    for(j=0; j < A->cols; j++)
      me(A,i,j) = i+j;

  mat B = matTrans(matrix(A->cols,A->rows),A);

  mat C = matrix(B->rows,A->cols);
  mat D = matrix(8);

See also:


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