cdf(var x): var
Cumulative distribution function; the probability that a Gaussian
(normal) distributed variable takes a value less than or equal to x.
Often used to compress the variable to the 0..1 range.
Sometimes also referred to as pnorm(x).
erf(var x): var
Error function; the probability that a Gaussian (normal) distributed
variable falls in the interval [-x, x].
qnorm(var x): var
The inverse cdf function; returns the value whose cumulative distribution matches the probability
dnorm(var x, var mu, var sigma): var
Gaussian probability; returns the probability of the value x
in a normal distribution with mean mu and variance
x - any var.
x = cdf(1); // x is now 0.84
x = cdf(-1); // x is now 0.16
See also:
sign, abs,
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